网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字提供了一个以基督为中心的社区生活,提高了知识分子, moral, and spiritual lives of students, 谁将成为教会和整个世界的下一代领袖. 在这里,学生不只是在课堂上学习东正教神学. They also put theology into practice in the Chapel, campus housing, the cafeteria, the athletic field, and as volunteers in the community. HCHC提供在东正教社区生活的体验, 为我们的教会和社会培养以服务为导向的领袖.


The Office of Student Life (OSL), overseen by the Dean of Students, provides a holistic, integrated, 在培育和形成正统基督教社区生活的背景下,有效地解决道德问题,并采取响应式的课外教育方法, intellectual, 培养学生的精神发展,为他们担当服务型领导角色做好准备. 学生自治协会(SGA)是在其主持下的几个较小的组织和委员会的上级组织, including the Campus Activities Board, Married Student Association, Spiritual Life Committee, Athletics Committee, as well as many other programs and committees, all of which contribute to student offerings and activities.  Specific Student Services are offered through the OSL, the Residence Hall Staff, 属灵培育及辅导服务办公室(OSFCS), and the Office of Vocational Ministry (OVM).

 OSL以多种身份为网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字社区服务,并支持学生改善社区生活的举措. OSL还帮助学生及其家庭解决他们在其他地方无法找到适当解决办法的问题.  Click here to access the Student Complaint Process.


HCHC的学生来自不同的传统和背景. 他们在人生的许多不同阶段,有不同的目标和抱负, 但他们都聚集在一起,形成了一个信仰和学习的社区. 鼓励学生积极参加校园组织,进一步培养自己成为服务型领导者. 新组织在每学年开始时根据学生的兴趣成立. Learn more about student diversity.

Student Government Association (SGA)

学生会协会(SGA)是HCHC学生团体的官方代表,旨在加强我们的宗教信仰, intellectual, 社会责任以及协调学生的共同愿望. SGA是在其主持下的几个较小的组织和委员会的母组织, including the Campus Activities Board, Married Student Association, Spiritual Life Committee, Athletics Committee, as well as many other programs and committees. Together, these organizations form a mutual effort to provide spiritual, social, and communal activities. Download the SGA Constitution to learn more.

Campus Activities Board (CAB)

网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字校园活动委员会(CAB)侧重于校园联谊和社区. CAB全年赞助各种活动,适合所有年龄段的学生. CAB’s main events include the Fall and Spring Panigiris, Fall Fest, the “Chamby’s” Awards Night, Boat Cruise, and Community Graduation Dinner Dance. CAB以提供适合HCHC所有学生的最佳活动而自豪. 我们的大门永远向愿意奉献时间和才华的学生敞开.

St. Romanos the Melodist Byzantine Choir

The School’s Byzantine Choir is named for St. 旋律师罗马诺斯,教会的圣人,以他的神圣音乐天赋而闻名. The St. 罗马诺斯的旋律拜占庭合唱团演唱和表演的教会音乐在拜占庭传统和传统的希腊音乐, 经常被邀请在大波士顿地区和其他地方的特殊场合表演. The St. Kassia Byzantine Choir, a women’s choir composed of students from both schools, operates in conjunction with this program.

Missions Committee

宣教委员会致力于促进网赌送彩金平台大全的宣教意识. 它旨在提高人们对传教的重要性的认识,作为东正教基督徒和教会内部我们生活的中心部分, 并试图让我们的学生接触到世界各地东正教传教士的工作. 委员会通过每年的秋季宣教周和讲座,促进对国际和国内跨文化宣教的参与和支持, regular meetings, 在春假或暑假期间,通过OCMC和HCHC的宣教学院参加短期宣教旅行.

Athletics Committee

体育委员会协调校园内的活动以支持奖学金, active lifestyles, and friendly, competition. 体育项目目前全年举办四项主要的校内运动(国旗橄榄球), basketball, soccer, and volleyball), in addition to the very popular annual Hellenic College vs. Holy Cross football, dodgeball, and/or basketball games.

The Married Student Association (MSA)

已婚学生协会(MSA)的存在是为了促进已婚社区内的关系, 也存在于已婚群体和整个群体之间. This is done through a series of private and group events, including both marital enrichment and recreational activities.

Orthodox Inter-seminary Movement

OISM是一个帮助改善美国和加拿大所有司法管辖区东正教神学院之间关系的运动. 周末聚会在各成员神学院举行. Emphasis is placed on spiritual, intellectual, 以及各成员神学院代表之间的社会活动.

Orthodox Christian Fellowship

OCF致力于通过见证来支持大学校园里的东正教团契, prayer, service, and study. 波士顿学院鼓励网赌送跳槽彩金大全的学生参加OCF,以促进与同学的关系.Orthodox Christian Fellowship

Sonia Belcher’s HCHC Admissions Ambassadors

大使是一群从网赌送跳槽彩金大全和圣十字学院精心挑选的学生,他们在整个学年都接受过青年事工的培训. Implementing these skills, 大使们在全国各地为东正教青年举办项目,并向他们传授HCHC知识.

The Hellenic Drama Club

戏剧社旨在促进一个开放的空间,让学生可以创造性地表达自己, bond, hone their talents, and have fun exploring the performing arts! After all, 能够在听众面前讲话是许多未来职业的基本技能:神职人员, teaching, and leadership in most professional fields.


Polemanakos Hall

HCHC为所有选择住在校园里的单身学生提供私人宿舍. Communal lounges with couches and televisions, a study room, a rec room with pool and ping-pong tables, a kitchenette and seating area, and laundry facilities are shared by all students. Additionally, the St. John the Theologian Chapel, located on the third floor, 提供了一个安静的空间,供祈祷奉献和小团体聚集在一起进行抱怨或Akathist服务.

Halki and Dendrinos Villages

大约四分之一的HCHC学生已婚,其中大多数家庭住在校园里. HCHC努力提供一个温暖和支持的环境,帮助这些家庭面对大学和神网赌送跳槽彩金大全的挑战. One, two, 此外,已婚学生可以先到先住的三居室公寓, first-serve basis. 在确定住房分配时,会考虑到家庭规模.

Campus Parking

每辆车都必须持有有效的登记和保险证明, along with a current HCHC permit while on campus. Upon completion of the vehicle registration form, 车辆将获发许可证,并须贴在后窗上, driver’s side. Each permit indicates where the vehicle is to be parked. They are issued as follows:

•教师和工作人员可以在十字路口前的行政地段的蓝色标记空间停车, Library lower lot, or the Chapel roadway.


If your vehicle is towed, please contact D&G Towing at 617‐9032525. They are located at 2 Emery Road in Allston.

Halki and Dendrinos Parking Policy
Non-Resident Driver Policy
Citations and Sanctions

Overnight Visitor Policies

Hellenic College Holy Cross welcomes prospective students, remote students, staff/faculty, 和来访的神职人员/演讲者,在获得校园住房主任的批准后,可以在校园住房中享受免费但有限的住宿,体验东正教社区的美丽.

网赌送彩金平台大全要求所有过夜访客发电子邮件 at least two weeks before the visitors’ anticipated arrival. Verbal or written requests to other HCHC staff, faculty, or students will not be considered binding until a request to is submitted and approved. Overnight guest accommodations are limited; requests may be denied during periods of high demand, such as prospective student open house weekends. Please communicate your requests to 提前好,并允许48小时内回复您的请求在正常营业时间.

Out of respect for this high-demand complimentary service, overnight visitors are only accepted during the academic school year. 校园游客被鼓励限制他们的旅行计划,包括三天两夜在HCHC的校园住房. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅下面的链接文件,了解完整的政策和程序.

Overnight Guest Policies and Procedures

Service Animal Policy

动物可能对HCHC社区的其他成员构成实际或感知的威胁,并可能扰乱HCHC活动.  Consequently, 带入校园建筑的动物对HCHC负有责任,这通常与HCHC操作无关. In order to promote a safe, non-threatening, 为HCHC社区成员提供健康的工作环境,并保护HCHC的实物资产, HCHC prohibits animals in campus buildings. (Exceptions are defined in the Policy below.)

Residential Life Assistance Animal Policy

Service Animals Policy

Vaccination Policy

要求适用于所有30岁以下的全日制本科生和研究生,以及所有全日制和非全日制健康科学学生. 这包括持学生或其他签证在任何高等教育机构就读的全日制或非全日制学生, 包括作为学术访问或交流计划的一部分参加或访问课程的外国交换学生.

Vaccination Policy


The Condakes Refectory, the main dining hall on campus, is a warm, friendly dining space for students, faculty, staff, and visitors to enjoy delicious food prepared by Chartwells. The cafeteria features a full self-service salad bar, a variety of fresh fruits, and different food stations, such as a “greens and grains” station and a pizza station. In addition, 餐厅提供自己制作三明治或帕尼尼的选择, using an assortment of breads, sandwich meats, cheeses, and other toppings. 苏打水、果汁、热咖啡和水果水也可以. During fasting periods in the Orthodox Church, Chartwells prepares and serves meat-free, dairy-free, and oil-free options.


Meal Times

Condakes餐厅平日上午8:30至下午7:00开放,周末上午11:30至晚上7:00开放, holidays, and snow days. 酒店提供免费的冷热饮料.


Pappas Gymnasium

Named in honor of donors John and Thomas Pappas, the gymnasium houses a basketball court, two racquetball courts, 以及由大主教Iakovos领导力100基金捐赠的最先进的健身中心, Inc.


Learn more about HCHC Athletics

Spiritual Formation and Counseling Services

精神形成和咨询服务办公室通过培养所有学生及其家庭的精神发展和心理健康来支持网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字的使命. 教牧关怀主任与学校辅导员一起监督和协调服务, which include the Spiritual Fathers program, spiritual and psychological assessments, and counseling and referrals.

学生和他们的家庭被邀请使用这些资源来定义目标, develop strategies for change, and realize a greater understanding of self and others. 辅导员可以倾听并提供指导和支持,因为学生努力解决个人问题,并寻求实现更大的健康感的方法. 该办事处致力于神学和心理学的结合,并对文化和种族问题十分敏感.



The great wide world lies just beyond our beautiful campus. HCHC坐落在一座著名的山上,可以看到波士顿的壮丽景色, 它就在你面前,召唤着你去探索.

曾被19世纪的知识分子和贵族家庭称为“宇宙中心”, Boston remains a center of great cultural, intellectual, and commercial activity unparalleled for a city of its size. 它优雅的建筑和可爱的公共空间将吸引你从殖民和维多利亚时期, and it will amaze you with its vitality, 因为它是一个处于全球医学创新前沿的现代化城市, technology, and finance.

What better place to study? 难怪每年九月大波士顿地区的学生人数会增加20万左右. Our campus is just minutes from the city center, world-class museums, musical performances of all genres, a vibrant theater district, diverse ethnic cuisines, lively neighborhoods, and the homes of legendary professional sports teams. New England’s historic villages, pristine conservation areas, rugged mountains, 迷人的海岸线都在全年户外活动的轻松驾车距离之内.

Van Ride Request Form


Fr. Patrick O’Rourke

Dean of Students

V. Rev. Archimandrite Bartholomew Mercado

Associate Dean of Students and Chaplain

Ian Abodeely

Special Assistant to the Dean of Students

Constandina Demos

Director of Campus Housing